About Picto-Selector Picto-Selector is a free tool for creating visual schedules. It is used by many teachers and parents. But there are also reports of people using it in daycare for elderly people.
The download contains over 34000 pictos (images) translated to English, Dutch, German, French, Danish and Spanish. (Some pictos are also translated to Arabic, Swedish, Italian, Portuguese, Brazilian and Indonesian)
Picto-Selector makes creating visual schedules easier by:Donation code for organisations
Donation code for organisations A donation code is not required for the use of Picto-Selector in your organization, whether it is commercial or not.
But in order to continue to support the project it helps immensely if you make a donation for each user in your organization. You can buy donations in Picto Selector . You will receive an invoice that can be checked in.
Service Level Agreement It is also possible to conclude a service contract for the use of a “Large network code” in your organization.Kontakt
Kostenlos für Sie zur Verfügung
Warum ist das alles kostenlos? Aus verschiedenen Gründen:
Somit können mehr Menschen visuelle Zeitpläne verwenden. Die Piktogramme sind ebenso kostenlos und ich darf sie unter der Voraussetzung nutzen, dass ich sie kostenlos zur Verfügung stelle. Dieses Projekt begann als ein Hobby-Projekt und ich teile es gerne mit anderen. Wenn ich alles kostenlos zur Verfügung stelle, gibt mir das die Freiheit, das Projekt so lange zu unterstützen, wie ich möchte. Und wie läuft das mit den Kosten, die für das Projekt anfallen?Spenden
Your donation will help me to improve Picto-Selector and keep it freely available for other people. As contributor you will receive a donation code which will hide the donation dialog when closing the application. Your name will also be used in the login form greeting.
You can contribute by donating money or help with the translation (When you have translated the application or over 1000 pictos). You can find more information about the translation work at How to translate Picto-Selector