Version 1.7.29
- Pictoboard actions, see explanation below
- Rename and delete of Tags
- Some more tips
- Use “picto title” in sheets and pages instead of “picto name” and “picto description”
- Proper use of plural in texts
- Improving pictoboard drawing and resizing
- Fixed an possible exception when closing Picto-Selector
- Copy and move of text pictos containg a = went wrong
- Spanish translation was causing exception (in the rotate function)
- Inserted pictos from pictolist do now receive the proper border settings
Pictoboard #
Pictos can now be clicked and start actions:
- Open another pictosheet or pictopage
- Play one of the included pictoboard sounds
- Play some music defined with MML, visit this page for an explanation
- Speak some text, using installed Sapi 5 voice
Also, pictopages can now also be opened in pictoboard and each object can handle those actions (play a sound when clicking a arrow for example)
Sapi 5 voices are not free, I have found some nice voices on
In the Administrator settings > Pictoboard there are 2 options added:
- Midi out device: for selecting the midi instrument to use with the MML actions
- Sapi 5 voice: for selecting the voice (which also defines the language that can be spoken) to use for the speak actions