Version 1.7.30
A video with all the changes in this version can be found on youtube:
- New templates, I can now use picto pages as layout template for pictosheets
- Export pictosheets to RTF files
- Custom copyright texts (some text printed just before the normal copyright message)
- Bingo Generator
- Print multiple pictosheet pages on 1 sheet
- Title and copyright object in picto pages
- Save ink options now work on whole print page (gray option will make everything, including borders grey)
Bingo Generator
- You start with the creation of a pictosheet with all the images /pictos you want to use in a bingo game. (25 animals for example)
- Then you start the bingo generator and select this pictosheet and the bingo layout you want to use.
- You enter the number of cards you want to generate and how many pictos are reused on the next card (this generates bingo cards which are very similar and that makes the game more exciting)
- Then you print the cards and or save them as pages
- Each generated card will be unique
- Picto titles can be used by setting the pictotitle option in the pictosheet (the same applies to borders etc)